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Rubie Tran

Revamping Barnardos Reconnect office

In these difficult and challenging times, vulnerable people in our society need our help even more. That is why Australian Mutuals Foundation (AMF) is a proud partner of Barnardos Australia’s Reconnect program, which helps young people facing life on the streets and very uncertain futures.

When Barnardos asked whether AMF could assist in giving the Reconnect office a revamp, two keen volunteers stepped forward: Brian Bennett (AMF Manager) and Linda Edmonds (Australian Mutual Bank staff member)

On Friday, 21 May, Brian and Linda arrived at the Reconnect office with paint brushes in hand. The day started with an overview of Barnardos work and the Reconnect program before the volunteers got stuck into the painting and decorating. They were assisted by staff from Barnardos and a lovely young lady who is participating in the Reconnect program. While shy at first, as the day progressed, she told the volunteers a little about her background and the challenges she faces. She is currently in year 12 at school and is hoping to complete her Higher School Certificate.

I was very proud of her stepping forward to help with the painting. I believe that with Barnardos help she will overcome the challenges she faces and will have a very bright future Brian Bennett

Both Brian and Linda enjoyed their volunteering day with Barnardos and found it a very rewarding experience.

If you wish to help AMF continue to support Barnardos, please donate now.

About Barnardos Reconnect

Reconnect is an early-intervention program for young people who are at-risk or homeless due to family conflict. It aims to break the cycle of disadvantage by assisting young people to remain connected with their families, community, services and education or employment opportunities.

The program assists 50-70 young people aged 12-18 years in the Inner West and Canterbury-Bankstown areas, with the majority identifying as either Aboriginal or Culturally and Linguistically Diverse within a 12-month period. Through intensive casework, counselling, and practical goal setting, Reconnect staff support vulnerable teens to be safe, access stable accommodation, connect with family, improve wellbeing and mental health, find greater social connectedness, and set positive pathways for the future through education or employment.

Young people referred to Reconnect are vulnerable, isolated, and generally experiencing a wide range of issues including homelessness, mental health instability, drug or alcohol misuse, disengagement from school, family breakdown, anti-social behaviour, and a range of other complex interrelated issues.

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