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Emergency / disaster relief activities will provide a mechanism to accept donations from other mutuals, members of Credit Unions and Mutuals, and the general public, when a natural disaster has been declared by either the Australian Federal Government or an Australian State Government. A natural disaster could be for example: bushfire, flood, earthquake or cyclone, which causes people to be in desperate need of assistance.



All Australians are aware of the unprecedented flood conditions across northern NSW and south east Queensland, with thousands of homes damaged, communities devastated, and tragically, lives lost.

The Australian Mutuals Foundation has activated its emergency / disaster relief donations portal so as to be able to accept donations from mutuals and the members of Australian mutual organisations.

The AMF will use 100% of donations received for the social and public welfare of those affected, and to help communities to recover from the flood disaster. Your support today can make a huge difference.

Queensland Australia 23 March 2021 Flooded Road after torrential rain and dam overflowing.

©2024 Australian Mutuals Foundation | Privacy Policy | ACN 602 774 434 | ABN 44 602 774 434 | Registered No.CFN 25267 under the NSW Charitable Fundraising Act.

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