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The domestic activities are intended to support children and youth who are at risk of abuse or neglect, or who are disadvantaged in terms of housing, medical care or education. The AMF plans to conduct these activities in partnership with other Public Benevolent Institutions (PBI) such as Barnardos Australia.

BARNARDOS AUSTRALIA After considering a number of worthwhile projects the AMF has agreed to partner with Barnardos Australia for the next three years. Barnardos is Australia’s leading child protection charity providing foster care and children’s family and youth services. Barnardos Australia believes that many children become abused and neglected when parents do not have the resources to raise children. They are often stressed by poverty, social isolation, mental illness, violence in families or drug and alcohol usage. Barnardos programs directly improve the lives of abused and neglected children.

The Australian Mutuals Foundation is one of the Major Partners of Barnardos Australia.

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