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Volunteering for NAIDOC Week


The Australian Mutuals Foundation is proud to be the top corporate partner of Barnardos Australia, a leading children’s charity which helps to provide resources and programs to families in need.

In recognition of NAIDOC Week, Barnardos Australia hosted an event at their Auburn Learning Centre on 6th July, inviting children from the Yurungai Learning Centre to participate in a day of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander appreciation and learnings.

Eight volunteers on behalf of the Australian Mutuals Foundation attended the NAIDOC Week event to help provide support with activities throughout the day. Our volunteers lent a hand to help prepare lunch, assist the children with arts and crafts, helped to clean and tidy, and more. Participating in this NAIDOC Week event has helped our volunteers undertake a journey of cultural awareness, whilst recognising the importance of First Nations history and the role these communities continue to play in our society.

This year’s theme for NAIDOC Week For Our Elders highlights the prominent role Elders have in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, guiding generations through advocacy and activism, and sharing their knowledge through story telling. Uncle Bruce from the Yurungai Learning Centre told stories to a group of enthusiastic children, eager to learn more about Aboriginal culture. Some of the other activities enjoyed by the children at the event included traditional weaving with Aunty Liv, making Johnny cake, dancing, and using playdough made from natural materials.

The Australian Mutuals Foundation is proud to support these community initiatives that help to embrace and celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture, and we thank Barnardos Australia for having us involved.

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