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Australian Bushfire Appeal

Rubie Tran

As we commence the year 2020 Australians face unprecedented bushfire conditions across the country, with over 1,000 homes destroyed, communities devastated, and tragically, lives lost.

It has been a very tough few months for many people in Australia and going forward it will be hard for those affected to rebuild their lives and their homes.

The Australian Mutuals Foundation activated it’s emergency / disaster relief donations portal in November 2019, to enable us to accept donations from members of Mutual organisations. Whilst the appeal was not expected to continue into the year 2020, the circumstances have been unbelievable and it will now continue to be available until the bushfire crisis passes.

To date, the support from individual members of Credit Unions / Mutuals has been great and we have received donations from members far and wide: WA, QLD, VIC and all parts of NSW including Bathurst, Orange, the Central Coast and Sydney. Thank you to Unity Bank, G & C Mutual Bank and Move Bank for making corporate donations.

The AMF is re-directing 100% of donations received to the St Vincent De Paul Society (Vinnies) and other charities as approved by the Board.

Vinnies support will include:

  • Providing food, clothing, essential items and grocery vouchers for people who have lost everything

  • Paying unexpected bills as people work through the recovery process

  • Making referrals to specialised organisations providing crisis accommodation

  • Giving much-needed emotional support, as well as practical assistance to pick up the pieces after homes are lost

Your support today can make a huge difference! Make a donation now!

International co-operative donations to co-operatives impacted by the Australian Bushfires

International Co-operatives and Mutuals that want to donate to support Australian co-operatives and their local communities impacted by the fires to recover and rebuild, can donate via the Australian Mutuals Foundation (AMF) bushfire appeal.

  • Donations can be made by credit card

  • When making your donation, under the Member of menu item please identify your organisation by selecting the Business Council of Cooperatives and Mutuals if you wish to specifically support Australian co-ops.

  • If you wish to donate using SWIFT code please email for details of Swift code and Bank details.

For corporate and any other enquiries, contact AMF Manager, Brian Bennett by emailing or calling 0418 466 307.

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